Founder and Director—Dr. Peter Fenner
Peter is a leader in the adaptation and transmission of Asian nondual wisdom in North America, Europe and Australia. He is a pioneer in the development of nondual therapy. He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions for 9 years and has a PhD in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism. He has held teaching positions at universities in Australia and the USA. Peter has taught workshops at Naropa University, California Institute for Integral Studies, Omega Institute, ZIST (Germany), Trimurti (France), Terre du Ciel (France), Israel Institute for Mind-Body Medicine, and many other institutes. Peter has given invited presentations at JFK University, University of California, Berkeley, Saybrook College, Stanford Medical School, Columbia University, and other forums and is a regular presenter at “Science and Nonduality” and “Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy” Conferences. He has written extensively on Buddhist nondual traditions. His books include Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness (2007); The Edge of Certainty: Dilemmas on the Buddhist Path (2002); The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy (ed. with John Prendergast and Sheila Krystal, 2003).